💢 Standards for granting professional certificates to employees:

The certificate equivalency is based on the employee’s experience according to his work specialty and according to the following standards for each academic level of the certificate:

1️⃣ Professional Diploma:

  1. His work service in the company must be no less than one full year.
  2. His academic achievement must not be less than average.
  3. He must have received a good evaluation from the management of the company in which he works.

2️⃣ Professional Bachelor’s:

  1. His service in the company must not be less than two years.
  2. His academic achievement must not be less than high school.
  3. He must have received a good evaluation from the company’s management during his period of work there.

3️⃣ Professional Master’s:

  1. His service in the company must not be less than 3 years.
  2. His academic achievement must not be less than a university bachelor’s degree.
  3. He must have received a good evaluation from the company’s management during the period in which he worked.
  4. His work in the company must occupy a responsibility at the supervisory management level or above.
  5. He must have received at least two honors from the company’s management as a compliment to his efforts during his work period.

4️⃣ Professional Doctorate:

  1. His service in the company must not be less than 3 years or more.
  2. His academic achievement must not be less than a master’s degree.
  3. He must have received an excellent evaluation from the company’s management during his period of work there.
  4. His work in the company must occupy a position in middle management or above.
  5. He must have received at least 3 honors from the company’s management as praise for his efforts during his work period.